首页 - 美高梅mgm平台信息



What led to the change from 罗伯茨卫斯理学院 to 美高梅mgm平台?

  • The institution has 156 years of evolution and innovative spirit from its inception as 辣椒神学院 in 1866. 从那时起, the name has changed as follows Chesbro神学院 (1885), 罗伯茨专科学校(1945年), 罗伯茨卫斯理学院(1949年), 东北神学院 at 罗伯茨卫斯理学院 (added in 1998) and now 美高梅mgm平台 (2022). 
  • 罗伯茨 has been strategically advancing over the years through the addition of doctoral and graduate programs that are both innovative and meet the needs of our students. Leadership has been committed to strategic growth over its 156-year history and are currently working on completing the 2016-2023 Strategic Plan, which began to move toward University status given the investment and development of two doctoral programs, continued expansion of masters degrees and certificates through online or hybrid offerings.
  • 罗伯茨 has offered registered graduate programs since 1991 with the Masters of 教育 and has two doctoral degrees in Psychology (2016) and Occupational Therapy (2021).
  • 东北神学院 at 罗伯茨 has a doctoral degree in Ministry as well as graduate programs. 
  • Although 罗伯茨 is officially a University on paper effective 9/13/22, 该项目提供了多年的服务, 无论如何, 与被授予大学地位一致. 
  • 罗伯茨 Wesleyan proudly sponsors 16 athletic programs at the NCAA DII division and is  the only DII institution in the Greater Rochester area. 这一举动, 2011年发生了什么, positioned 罗伯茨 to be aligned with the goal of university status. 
  • 罗伯茨 Wesleyan has been an engaged member of local, 状态, 国家和国际组织. President Porterfield has served as a board member and leader within the RAC, CCCU和CCCU组织. 
  • NY’s Independent Colleges and Universities @CICU on Twitter, Jan. 11, 2022: 
    • “We applaud the New York State Board of Regents for updating the 状态’s definition of “university,” bringing New York State into alignment with the rest of the country. CICU has advocated for years on behalf of our members – the 100-plus private, not-for-profit institutions of higher 教育 across the Empire State – to make this critical change a reality. Removing this barrier of designation will ensure that colleges within New York State market themselves to prospective students at home and abroad in a manner that reflects the depth and breadth of their academic offerings and will help retain and support the value of degrees from this institution.——萝拉·W. Brabham, CICI主席

纽约州如何定义大学? 与之前的定义有什么不同?

In January 2022, the Board of Regents of the NYSED approved an amendment to section 50.1(I) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of 教育 relating to the definition of “university,” paving the way for various institutions across the 状态 to transition from a college to a university.  修订后的定义如下:

“University means a higher 教育al institution offering a range of registered undergraduate and graduate curricula in the liberal arts and sciences, including graduate programs registered in at least three of the following discipline areas: agriculture, 生物科学, 业务, 教育, 工程, 美术, 健康的职业, 人文学科, 自然科学和社会科学.”

This definition removed an earlier requirement that institutions offer doctoral programs in order to be called a “university;” however it retains the requirement that programs be across a minimum of three discipline areas.

罗伯茨卫斯理学院 meets the revised university definition because it offers a range of qualifying registered undergraduate and graduate curricula in the liberal arts and sciences, including graduate programs registered in the following discipline areas:  业务, 教育, 健康的职业, 以及社会科学.



    • M.S. 战略领导


    • M.Ed. 青少年和特殊教育
    • M.Ed. 扫盲教育
    • M.Ed. 在儿童时期 & 特殊教育
    • M.Ed. 特殊教育
    • M.Ed. 幼儿期 & 特殊教育
    • M.S. 校内辅导
    • M.S. 学校心理学


    • M.S. 家庭护士执业医师
    • M.S. 在卫生管理方面
    • M.S. 护理教育
    • M.S. 护理领导与管理
    • M.S. 公共卫生
    • 职业治疗博士(OTD)


    • 临床/学校心理学.D.)
    • 社会工作硕士.S.W.)


  • We are excited for updates to the campus from new signage to installing the new logos in buildings and outside banners too!  We will be steadily working on these in phases over the 2022-2023 academic year. All internal and external communications will reflect 美高梅mgm平台 as of 9/13/22.
  • The Community Institutes name will change to the Community Institutes at 美高梅mgm平台. The institutes will continue to provide certificate based learning, 精神健康服务, 员工发展, 安全和文明资源, 还有更多. 在www上查看最新的产品.罗伯茨.edu/ci
  • 和, we are excited that the Golisano Community Engagement Center will be branded 美高梅mgm平台 at its grand opening in 2023!

Will 美高梅mgm平台 add more graduate and doctoral programs in the future?

We will continue to 研究 programs that are right for our students, address growing needs in specific industries and enable our graduates to compete in a competitive job market. 通过研究生和博士课程, students will develop skills that employers value and see in new hires.  


  • 美高梅mgm平台的使命一如既往, a community of learners committed to historic Christianity, 罗伯茨卫斯理学院 seeks to prepare thoughtful, 精神上的成熟, service-oriented people who will help transform society.
  • Students choose 罗伯茨 because of the warm atmosphere, Christian community feeling. focus on students, high-quality academics and caring faculty.  这一切都没有改变. It’s the same great institution you have grown to love and appreciate!
  • 罗伯茨 faculty will continue to be accessible to students, including providing support beyond the classroom. Faculty and staff care deeply for students and know them by name, not by number. 罗伯茨 will still be personable and purposeful. The campus community will continue to provide transformative experiences, personal growth and discovery for all who desire a Christian 教育. 


罗伯茨 will not be raising tuition with the change to university.  

What are the benefits to 罗伯茨 for this change?

  • This will give students recognition for the institution that they attended.
  • The benefits start with our students who will gain professional experience and qualifications that are recognized and respected as a university 教育. A university degree is more globally recognized and will give our students the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of their chosen field with advanced studies, 研究, 将其人化的学习. This status will help 罗伯茨 to attract future students, not only from other 状态s but also internationally.
  • 成立于1866年, 罗伯茨 will continue to focus on providing “教育 for Character,” enhancing the student experience and providing a Christian 教育 offering excellence in liberal arts and professional programs for all who desire it. 
  • With the investment in the change to university, 罗伯茨 hopes to create broader networks in the Greater Rochester area and beyond through The Community Institutes and Corporate Partnerships. 通过这些关系, provide students with more experiential learning connections such as internships, 临床, student teaching and 研究 opportunities to name a few. 

在读学生的文凭呢? 它会是什么??

The Registrar's office is in the process of updating the transcript paper. Once completed, all diplomas and transcripts that date will be from 美高梅mgm平台.

I’m an alumni, do I change my LinkedIn, resume language to University?

罗伯茨卫斯理学院 provided you with “教育 for Character” and so will 美高梅mgm平台 to the next generations of students. We are proud of our 156 year legacy and we know you are too. 美高梅mgm平台把选择权留给你! You can leave it as College or update it to University. 无论哪种方式, you earned your degree from an innovative and distinctive institution and we are proud of the 20,200+ alumni living and serving around the world.

I’m an alumni, can I have a new diploma printed with the new name?

  • 罗伯茨 will offer the opportunity to have a new diploma issued through March 2023. The 美高梅mgm平台 diploma fee is TBD.
  • Details will be available in the spring of 2023. 订单将通过此处理 form 
  • Orders will be processed in the order they are received.
  • Please note the following before placing an order:
    • 更新后的文凭将采用当前的样式, with the current president and administrative signatures and the 美高梅mgm平台 seal. 
    • 如果账户有滞留, 罗伯茨 will not issue an updated diploma until the hold is resolved.
    • Degree dates will be verified before the diploma is issued.

I’m an alumni and it feels like changing the name to University loses the small caring community feel. 罗伯茨将如何确保这种情况不会发生?

The name university does feel “bigger” and is an indication of the undergraduate and graduate programs the school offers. Know that with this name change, our care for our students will remain the same.  美高梅mgm平台致力于此! 罗伯茨 remains student-focused, integrative and holistic.


罗伯茨 uses acronyms more internally than externally.  However, watching this strategy unfold that provides unlimited opportunities has been unbelievable. So, yes, being a university will be an ultra cool change for 罗伯茨! 美高梅mgm平台希望你也这么认为!

What are the social media accounts and website URLs?

  • For students, faculty and staff, email addresses will be the same with the 罗伯茨.edu后缀. 
  • 网站地址将保持不变 www.罗伯茨.edu.
  • The following social media accounts remain the same:
    • Twitter: @罗伯茨Wesleyan
    • Instagram: @罗伯茨Wesleyan
  • The following social media accounts have changed:
    • 脸谱网: @罗伯茨WesleyanCollege to @罗伯茨WesleyanUniversity
    • YouTube: 罗伯茨卫斯理学院 to 美高梅mgm平台

What about my 罗伯茨 apparel and swag, can I still wear it?

继续穿你喜欢的罗伯茨的衣服! The bookstore will be having a sale on current merchandise. New 美高梅mgm平台 “merch” will be available at the bookstore. We hope to see you at homecoming in both your vintage and new university swag!



本杰明·T创立. 罗伯茨 & 1869年开业



学校更名为A.M. 两神学院






A charter is obtained to provide a four-year curriculum and another name change to 罗伯茨卫斯理学院



Name change to 美高梅mgm平台 granted by the New York State Board of Regents